Reading week progress update

We are delighted to announce that Cambridge University has established a working group to look into the practicalities of implementing a reading week for Michaelmas and Lent Terms.


We are delighted to announce that Cambridge University has established a working group to look into the practicalities of implementing a reading week for Michaelmas and Lent Terms

Since our All-Members’ Meeting overwhelmingly voted in favour of the motion for Cambridge SU to lobby for a reading week and a full freshers’ week, we’ve been talking to senior stakeholders from colleges, the central University, faculties and departments about how we can implement this, with the help of J/MCR and Academic Reps. This has culminated in the decision to establish the working group. 

The broad aim of the working group will be to investigate the practicalities of implementing a reading week. Members of the working group will consult with different stakeholders in the university to understand the practical impacts of introducing a reading week and generate a proposed plan for implementation. This plan would then be brought to university committees for approval sometime in the next academic year. 

It is a testament to the power of students that we are seeing positive movement from all parties to make this a reality. Ben Margolis, our President (UG), will be the student representative on the working group, and we will keep you updated on progress as it starts to meet. 


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