Free Drug-Checking Kits available at the SU

Image description: Dark blue infographic that says ‘Free, anonymous drug-checking kits’ Now availabl

We are supplying a limited number of drug-checking kits after a policy was passed at Student Council. These kits will allow you to test what your substance is in order to reduce the harm of taking an unknown substance. 

The single-use kits are free of charge, and there is no limit on how many you can take. They can test Ketamine, Cocaine, and MDMA (to see if the drug is what you expect it to be) but not other drugs. They are available to pick up anonymously from the SU Lounge on the shelves opposite the reception desk, where the Sexual Health supplies are stored. 

You do not need to speak to anyone or give any details in order to take the tests. While you are welcome to ask the reception staff any questions about the kits, you yourself will not be questioned at all. 

The supply of these kits does not promote, condone, or encourage the use of illegal substances. Please do provide feedback through our anonymous form (you must log out of the SU website first) to help us make this trial service work as well as possible.

Why are we doing this? 

At the SU we take a Harm Reduction approach to drug use. This means that we acknowledge that people take drugs for many reasons, and aim to miminise the negative impacts of drug use. We believe in working without judgement, coercion, or discrimination against those that use drugs. Drug checking is just one aspect of Harm Reduction. It helps people make informed choices about the substances they are taking. 

How do the tests work?

This sounds complicated, but rest assured the kits are very simple to use. The tests have 3x Reagents. These are chemicals that change colour when exposed to drugs. A drug will always react the same way because it is a chemical (e.g. Caffeine will always appear Light Yellow under the Liebermann Reagent). You need to test all 3 Reagents on the same substance in order to rule out different reactions and narrow down your substance. This video explains how to administer the tests. 

What is in the test box? 

The boxes include: 

  • Instructions and safety information
  • 3x single use reagents (all used for testing one sample)
  • Chart for understanding what your substance is based on the Reagent reaction

Where can I go for support surrounding Drug and Alcohol Use? 

Our website has information about local support services and Harm Reduction information. For detailed resources about specific drugs and how to minimise risk, check out The Loop.

Is this legal/safe? 
The supply of Reagent chemicals is completely legal, and the kits adhere to UK law. Do not take the Reagent test outside of the UK as laws surrounding chemicals can differ.

Can I buy my own version of the kit?

Yes. Anyone can purchase from Reagent tests UK. They supply kits for various drugs. You can also buy bulk boxes that will last up to 40 uses. 

How long do they last?
These kits have been delivered on 08/06. They can last for 2 months unrefrigerated. 

What if I get a confusing result? 

You can contact Reagent Tests directly and they will answer any questions you have. They can also provide support in how to use the test if you are confused. 

Below are images of what the kit looks like

It is a small white box, inside there are three plastic bags with chemical symbols, and two leaflets.



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